Issa Thabit Mchisa (1969 - 2018)
Issa Thabit was born in 1969. After primary school he joined his older brothers to work in TACS in Dar es Salaam. Ever since then he had been one of the most active members.
Issa loved to tell stories with his paintings. He kept inventing fancy scenes with sparkling imagination and funny details. The animals often behave like humans, like in his illustrations for the picture book "Wie die Tiere ihre Farben bekamen" (How the Animals Got Their Colours), a story written by Agnes Mpata.
This style, which had first been used by John Kilaka, was developed further by Issa. He put the animals in beautiful African landscapes, and became a master in painting sunset sceneries.
He also developed new plans which nobody other mastered like him: Jungle scenes, where animals and plants seem to melt into the background. Another specialty are his green-only frog paintings. He was one of the most successful and promising painters for the future. His promising artistic career ended much too early. He passed away on Sep 10, 2018, after a long illness.
He leaves behind three children.