Abbasy Mbuka Kiando
Abbasy Mbuka was born on 9 November 1975 in Dar es Salaam. After completing his primary education he started farming in the village of his mother. in 1991 he started painting the Tingatinga style. His teachers became his late step father mzee Salum Mussa and the late Athumani Nipela. He has travelled to Japan six times and also to Copenhagen/Denmark(2010) for exhibitions, where he represented the cooperative. But his paintings have also been exhibited in many European countries.
Abbasy has held many positions in TACS like vice chairman and treasurer, in November 2017 he was elected as secretary and in Dec 2018 chairman. Besides painting his interests are politics and games.
His artistic skills are best shown in paintings of Kilimanjaro scenery and vegetation with greatly executed animal motifs.
You can contact him at